As people find it hard to get popular items like Aliph jawbone bluetooth headset in stores due to their popularity. Jawbone Singapore allow customer place an order for an item which has not yet been released.
What is "Pre-order", "In-Stock", "Very Low Stock" or "Out Of Stock" merchandise?
Pre-order merchandise:
"Pre-Order" enables you to purchase an item that is not currently in stock, but on order from our supplier. We only accept fund transfer to our DBS Account for pre-order item.You will receive the item 2-3 weeks later (Normally in 15 days). In this way you can get the item in lowest price possible than normal retail price. Customer who pre-order with us will be protected from price changes.
In-Stock merchandise:
"In-Stock' simply mean that Aliph Jawbone bluetooth headset is available locally in Singapore. You can order the item now.
Very Low Stock merchandise:
If an item is listed as "Very Low Stock" we have only a few units left with us. Although stock is available at the time you are viewing the item, there is a possibility that it will be sold before your order is processed. If we sell out before your order is processed, your items will be backordered and you will be notified.
Out Of Stock merchandise:
If an item is listed as "On Order" or "Special Order" it is available for purchase but we do not have any units available with us at the moment. Typically, it takes ten - fifteen days to fill a backorder. As soon as the product comes back into stock, you will be notified.
Jawbone Car Charger

(USB Cable inside)
Jawbone Wall Charger

(Get extra charger for office use)